What is the SoSevere Experience?

The Entire SoSevere Experience is all I have to offer. It is a Doorway into my mind. 

Filled with compelling stories, ideas, concepts, and some fun and amazing YouTube/TikTok videos and podcasts along the way. 

It is separated into multiple parts.

  1. Omega Gaming – A Gaming Community. It’s no secret that I myself am an avid gamer. Having built some amazing online gaming communities. At its peak, Dominus Letum Empire was over 1000+ members strong, playing across some of the time’s biggest online MMO’s ( Age of Conan, Warhammer, Aion, Star Wars, etc). After awhile when MMO’s became some what bland many I took many amazing gamers to console to play Destiny 1 and Destiny 2 under the Lords of the Fallen banner. Another larger and very successful clan. So join me on a fun filled adventure as I play some of the hottest games while I’m not writing!
  2. SoSevere LIVE Podcast/Show – My very own weekly show. Join me as I discuss, gaming, pop culture and uncover some of life’s craziest stories and some of the most amazing “Real Life” Strange and unusual happenings all around the globe. 
  3. Tales from Curators Vault-  These Short stories revolve around peculiar items sought by a very unique Curator. Who is this Curator? Why is he searching for these items? Read the series and find out. 
  4. Strange Frequencies – A Collection of Short Stories. Some Horror, Some Fantasy, Some Adventure. Short, sweet, and well you’ll just have to read them to find out!
  5. The SoSevere Particle – My own personal Vlog. Sometimes ill post up random thoughts; other times, I may put up videos in regards to certain projects.  Check them out. 
  6.  Black Noise – A small Quarterly Newsletter That I send exclusively to all my fans who subscribe. Showing what I’m working on, cool prize giveaways, and some exclusive short stories and concepts you wont find anywhere else. 

You can find all of my short condenses stories in the Strange Frequencies section of this site and a list of all my Podcasts and Youtube videos in the SoSevere Particle Section of the site. 

The Collector Stories are listed under the Curator Project. 


The SoSevere Experience
The Order of the Black Cross - Gaming Community
To Reclaim the Light one must Embrace the Darkness
The SoSevere Experience
The Collector of Antiquities
Short Stories revolving around a unique Collector
The SoSevere Experience
The 13th Hour
My Unique Youtube Show with CoHosts Leezard and OZ
The SoSevere Experience
The SoSevere Particle
My Personal Youtube
The SoSevere Experience
Strange Frequencies
Short Stories of the Strange and Unusual
The SoSevere Experience
Black Noise
A Quarterly Mini EMag exclusive to my fans who subscribe (subscription is free)

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